Code Documentation


fermilib.transforms.bravyi_kitaev(operator, n_qubits=None)

Apply the Bravyi-Kitaev transform and return qubit operator.

  • operator (fermilib.ops.FermionOperator) – A FermionOperator to transform.
  • n_qubits (int|None) – Can force the number of qubits in the resulting operator above the number that appear in the input operator.

An instance of the QubitOperator class.

Return type:



ValueError – Invalid number of qubits specified.


Output InteractionOperator as instance of FermionOperator class.

Returns:An instance of the FermionOperator class.
Return type:fermion_operator
fermilib.transforms.get_interaction_operator(fermion_operator, n_qubits=None)

Convert a 2-body fermionic operator to InteractionOperator.

This function should only be called on fermionic operators which consist of only a_p^dagger a_q and a_p^dagger a_q^dagger a_r a_s terms. The one-body terms are stored in a matrix, one_body[p, q], and the two-body terms are stored in a tensor, two_body[p, q, r, s].


An instance of the InteractionOperator class.

Return type:


  • TypeError – Input must be a FermionOperator.
  • TypeError – FermionOperator does not map to InteractionOperator.


Even assuming that each creation or annihilation operator appears at most a constant number of times in the original operator, the runtime of this method is exponential in the number of qubits.

fermilib.transforms.get_interaction_rdm(qubit_operator, n_qubits=None)

Build an InteractionRDM from measured qubit operators.

Returns: An InteractionRDM object.

fermilib.transforms.get_sparse_operator(operator, n_qubits=None)

Map a Fermion, Qubit, or InteractionOperator to a SparseOperator.


Apply the Jordan-Wigner transform to a FermionOperator or InteractionOperator to convert to a QubitOperator.

Returns:An instance of the QubitOperator class.
Return type:transformed_operator


The runtime of this method is exponential in the maximum locality of the original FermionOperator.

fermilib.transforms.reverse_jordan_wigner(qubit_operator, n_qubits=None)

Transforms a QubitOperator into a FermionOperator using the Jordan-Wigner transform.

Operators are mapped as follows: Z_j -> I - 2 a^dagger_j a_j X_j -> (a^dagger_j + a_j) Z_{j-1} Z_{j-2} .. Z_0 Y_j -> i (a^dagger_j - a_j) Z_{j-1} Z_{j-2} .. Z_0

  • qubit_operator – the QubitOperator to be transformed.
  • n_qubits – the number of qubits term acts on. If not set, defaults to the maximum qubit number acted on by term.

An instance of the FermionOperator class.

Return type:


  • TypeError – Input must be a QubitOperator.
  • TypeError – Invalid number of qubits specified.
  • TypeError – Pauli operators must be X, Y or Z.


class fermilib.ops.FermionOperator(term=None, coefficient=1.0)

FermionOperator stores a sum of products of fermionic ladder operators.

In FermiLib, we describe fermionic ladder operators using the shorthand: ‘q^’ = a^dagger_q ‘q’ = a_q where {‘p^’, ‘q’} = delta_pq

One can multiply together these fermionic ladder operators to obtain a fermionic term. For instance, ‘2^ 1’ is a fermion term which creates at orbital 2 and destroys at orbital 1. The FermionOperator class also stores a coefficient for the term, e.g. ‘3.17 * 2^ 1’.

The FermionOperator class is designed (in general) to store sums of these terms. For instance, an instance of FermionOperator might represent 3.17 2^ 1 - 66.2 * 8^ 7 6^ 2 The Fermion Operator class overloads operations for manipulation of these objects by the user.


dictkey (tuple of tuples): Each tuple represents a fermion term, i.e. a tensor product of fermion ladder operators with a coefficient. The first element is an integer indicating the mode on which a ladder operator acts and the second element is a bool, either ‘0’ indicating annihilation, or ‘1’ indicating creation in that mode; for example, ‘2^ 5’ is ((2, 1), (5, 0)). value (complex float): The coefficient of term represented by key.

__init__(term=None, coefficient=1.0)

Initializes a FermionOperator.

The init function only allows to initialize a FermionOperator consisting of a single term. If one desires to initialize a FermionOperator consisting of many terms, one must add those terms together by using either += (which is fast) or using +.


ham = (FermionOperator('0^ 3', .5)
       + .5 * FermionOperator('3^ 0'))
# Equivalently
ham2 = FermionOperator('0^ 3', 0.5)
ham2 += FermionOperator('3^ 0', 0.5)


Adding terms to FermionOperator is faster using += (as this is done by in-place addition). Specifying the coefficient in the __init__ is faster than by multiplying a QubitOperator with a scalar as calls an out-of-place multiplication.

  • term (tuple of tuples, a string, or optional) –
    1. A tuple of tuples. The first element of each tuple is an integer indicating the mode on which a fermion ladder operator acts, starting from zero. The second element of each tuple is an integer, either 1 or 0, indicating whether creation or annihilation acts on that mode.
    2. A string of the form ‘0^ 2’, indicating creation in mode 0 and annihilation in mode 2.
    3. default will result in the zero operator.
  • coefficient (complex float, optional) – The coefficient of the term. Default value is 1.0.

FermionOperatorError – Invalid term provided to FermionOperator.


Eliminates all terms with coefficients close to zero and removes imaginary parts of coefficients that are close to zero.

Parameters:abs_tol (float) – Absolute tolerance, must be at least 0.0
static identity()
Returns:A fermion operator u with the property that u*x = x*u = x for all fermion operators x.
Return type:multiplicative_identity (FermionOperator)

Query whether term has correct form to be from a molecular.

Require that term is particle-number conserving (same number of raising and lowering operators). Require that term has 0, 2 or 4 ladder operators. Require that term conserves spin (parity of raising operators equals parity of lowering operators).


Return whether or not term is in normal order.

In our convention, normal ordering implies terms are ordered from highest tensor factor (on left) to lowest (on right). Also, ladder operators come first.

isclose(other, rel_tol=1e-12, abs_tol=1e-12)

Returns True if other (FermionOperator) is close to self.

Comparison is done for each term individually. Return True if the difference between each terms in self and other is less than the relative tolerance w.r.t. either other or self (symmetric test) or if the difference is less than the absolute tolerance.

  • other (FermionOperator) – FermionOperator to compare against.
  • rel_tol (float) – Relative tolerance, must be greater than 0.0
  • abs_tol (float) – Absolute tolerance, must be at least 0.0
static zero()
Returns:A fermion operator o with the property that o+x = x+o = x for all fermion operators x.
Return type:additive_identity (FermionOperator)
class fermilib.ops.InteractionOperator(constant, one_body_tensor, two_body_tensor)

Class for storing ‘interaction operators’ which are defined to be fermionic operators consisting of one-body and two-body terms which conserve particle number and spin. The most common examples of data that will use this structure are molecular Hamiltonians. In principle, everything stored in this class could also be represented using the more general FermionOperator class. However, this class is able to exploit specific properties of how fermions interact to enable more numerically efficient manipulation of the data. Note that the operators stored in this class take the form: constant + sum_{p, q} h_[p, q] a^dagger_p a_q +

sum_{p, q, r, s} h_[p, q, r, s] a^dagger_p a^dagger_q a_r a_s.

An int giving the number of qubits.


A constant term in the operator given as a float. For instance, the nuclear repulsion energy.


The coefficients of the one-body terms (h[p, q]). This is an n_qubits x n_qubits numpy array of floats.


The coefficients of the two-body terms (h[p, q, r, s]). This is an n_qubits x n_qubits x n_qubits x n_qubits numpy array of floats.

__init__(constant, one_body_tensor, two_body_tensor)

Initialize the InteractionOperator class.

  • constant – A constant term in the operator given as a float. For instance, the nuclear repulsion energy.
  • one_body_tensor – The coefficients of the one-body terms (h[p,q]). This is an n_qubits x n_qubits numpy array of floats.
  • two_body_tensor – The coefficients of the two-body terms (h[p, q, r, s]). This is an n_qubits x n_qubits x n_qubits x n_qubits numpy array of floats.

Iterate all terms that are not in the same symmetry group.

Four point symmetry:
  1. pq = qp.
  2. pqrs = srqp = qpsr = rspq.
Eight point symmetry:
  1. pq = qp.
  2. pqrs = rqps = psrq = srqp = qpsr = rspq = spqr = qrsp.
Parameters:complex_valued (bool) – Whether the operator has complex coefficients.
class fermilib.ops.InteractionRDM(one_body_tensor, two_body_tensor)

Class for storing 1- and 2-body reduced density matrices.


The expectation values <a^dagger_p a_q>.


The expectation values <a^dagger_p a^dagger_q a_r a_s>.

__init__(one_body_tensor, two_body_tensor)

Initialize the InteractionRDM class.

  • one_body_tensor – Expectation values <a^dagger_p a_q>.
  • two_body_tensor – Expectation values <a^dagger_p a^dagger_q a_r a_s>.

Return expectation value of an InteractionRDM with an operator.

Parameters:operator – A QubitOperator or InteractionOperator.
Returns:Expectation value
Return type:float
Raises:InteractionRDMError – Invalid operator provided.

Return expectations of QubitOperator in new QubitOperator.

Parameters:qubit_operator – QubitOperator instance to be evaluated on this InteractionRDM.
Returns:QubitOperator with coefficients corresponding to expectation values of those operators.
Return type:QubitOperator
Raises:InteractionRDMError – Observable not contained in 1-RDM or 2-RDM.
class fermilib.ops.InteractionTensor(constant, one_body_tensor, two_body_tensor)

Class for storing data about the interactions between orbitals. Because electrons interact pairwise, in second-quantization, all Hamiltonian terms have either the form of a^dagger_p a_q or a^dagger_p a^dagger_q a_r a_s. The first of these terms is associated with the one-body Hamiltonian and 1-RDM and its information is stored in one_body_tensor. The second of these terms is associated with the two-body Hamiltonian and 2-RDM and its information is stored in two_body_tensor. Much of the functionality of this class is redudant with FermionOperator but enables much more efficient numerical computations in many cases, such as basis rotations.


The number of qubits on which the tensor acts.


A constant term in the operator given as a float. For instance, the nuclear repulsion energy.


The coefficients of the 2D matrix terms. This is an n_qubits x n_qubits numpy array of floats. For instance, the one body term of MolecularOperator.


The coefficients of the 4D matrix terms. This is an n_qubits x n_qubits x n_qubits x n_qubits numpy array offloats. For instance, the two body term of MolecularOperator.

__init__(constant, one_body_tensor, two_body_tensor)

Initialize the InteractionTensor class.

  • constant – A constant term in the operator given as a float. For instance, the nuclear repulsion energy.
  • one_body_tensor – The coefficients of the 2D matrix terms. This is an n_qubits x n_qubits numpy array of floats. For instance, the one body term of MolecularOperator.
  • two_body_tensor – The coefficients of the 4D matrix terms. This is an n_qubits x n_qubits x n_qubits x n_qubits numpy array of floats. For instance, the two body term of MolecularOperator.

Rotate the orbital basis of the InteractionTensor.

Parameters:rotation_matrix – A square numpy array or matrix having dimensions of n_qubits by n_qubits. Assumed to be real and invertible.

Return Hermitian conjugate of fermionic operator.


Compute and return the normal ordered form of a FermionOperator.

In our convention, normal ordering implies terms are ordered from highest tensor factor (on left) to lowest (on right). Also, ladder operators come first.


Even assuming that each creation or annihilation operator appears at most a constant number of times in the original term, the runtime of this method is exponential in the number of qubits.

fermilib.ops.number_operator(n_orbitals, orbital=None, coefficient=1.0)

Return a number operator.

  • n_orbitals (int) – The number of spin-orbitals in the system.
  • orbital (int, optional) – The orbital on which to return the number operator. If None, return total number operator on all sites.
  • coefficient (float) – The coefficient of the term.

operator (FermionOperator)


class fermilib.utils.Graph

An undirected graph of nodes of arbitrary connectivity

A generic graph class for undirected graphs that holds Nodes and edges that connect them.


list – A list of Node objects containing the nodes of the graph


list – A list of unique IDs (uids) for each node


dict – A dictionary that maps UIDs currently present in the graph to their node index


list of sets – A list of sets that enumerate the neighbors of each node. For example the neighbors of node i are the set neighbors[i]


int – The next unique ID to be assigned to a node on addition


Set up an empty graph with no nodes

add_edge(node_id1, node_id2)

Add an edge between node 1 and node2

  • node_id1 (int) – Index of first node on edge
  • node_id2 (int) – Index of second node on edge
add_node(node=<fermilib.utils._graph.Node instance>)

Add a Node to the graph.

Parameters:node (Node) – A Node object to be added to the graph

Returns(int): The unique identified that was given to the node

find_index(value, starting_node=0)

Find the index of the first node that matches value in a BFS

Performs a breadth-first search of the graph starting at node index starting_node. Returns the index or None if no match is found

  • value (Node Value) –
  • starting_node (int) –

Return list of neighbors of the specified node

Parameters:node_id – Index of node to examine the neighbors of

Returns(list): List of current node IDs that are neighbors of node_id.

is_adjacent(node_id1, node_id2)

Test for adjacency between node1 and node2

  • node_id1 (int) – Index of first node
  • node_id2 (int) – Index of second node

Number of nodes in the graph

Returns(int): Number of nodes currently in the graph

remove_edge(node_id1, node_id2)

Remove an edge between node1 and node2

  • node_id1 (int) – Index of first node on edge
  • node_id2 (int) – Index of second node on edge

Remove a graph node

This removes a node from the graph and leverages the unique ID system used internally to avoid having to modify the edges for all nodes in the graph.

Parameters:node_id (int) – Index of the node to be removed.
shortest_path(node_id1, node_id2)

Find the shortest path between node1 and node2 on the graph

  • node_id1 (int) – Index of first node
  • node_id2 (int) – Index of second node

Returns(list): List of nodes from node_id1 to node_id2 that constitute the shortest possible path in the graph between those two nodes.

class fermilib.utils.Grid(dimensions, length, scale)

A multi-dimensional grid of points.

__init__(dimensions, length, scale)
  • dimensions (int) – The number of dimensions the grid lives in.
  • length (int) – The number of points along each grid axis.
  • scale (float) – The total length of each grid dimension.
Returns:The index-coordinate tuple of each point in the grid.
Return type:iterable[tuple[int]]
Returns:The number of points in the grid.
Return type:int
Returns:The volume of a length-scale hypercube within the grid.
Return type:float
class fermilib.utils.MolecularData(geometry=None, basis=None, multiplicity=None, charge=0, description=u'', filename=u'', data_directory=None)

Class for storing molecule data from a fixed basis set at a fixed geometry that is obtained from classical electronic structure packages. Not every field is filled in every calculation. All data that can (for some instance) exceed 10 MB should be saved separately. Data saved in HDF5 format.


A list of tuples giving the coordinates of each atom. An example is [(‘H’, (0, 0, 0)), (‘H’, (0, 0, 0.7414))]. Distances in atomic units. Use atomic symbols to specify atoms.


A string giving the basis set. An example is ‘cc-pvtz’.


An integer giving the total molecular charge. Defaults to 0.


An integer giving the spin multiplicity.


An optional string giving a description. As an example, for dimers a likely description is the bond length (e.g. 0.7414).


A string giving a characteristic name for the instance.


The name of the file where the molecule data is saved.


Integer giving the number of atoms in the molecule.


Integer giving the number of electrons in the molecule.


List of the atoms in molecule sorted by atomic number.


List of atomic charges in molecule sorted by atomic number.


Energy from open or closed shell Hartree-Fock.


Energy from nuclei-nuclei interaction.


numpy array giving canonical orbital coefficients.


Integer giving total number of spatial orbitals.


Integer giving total number of qubits that would be needed.


Numpy array giving the canonical orbital energies.


Numpy array giving the Fock matrix.


Numpy array giving the orbital overlap coefficients.


Numpy array of one-electron integrals


Numpy array of two-electron integrals


Energy from MP2 perturbation theory.


Energy from configuration interaction singles + doubles.


Numpy array giving 1-RDM from CISD calculation.


Numpy array giving 2-RDM from CISD calculation.


Exact energy of molecule within given basis.


Numpy array giving 1-RDM from FCI calculation.


Numpy array giving 2-RDM from FCI calculation.


Energy from coupled cluster singles + doubles.


Numpy array holding single amplitudes


Numpy array holding double amplitudes

__init__(geometry=None, basis=None, multiplicity=None, charge=0, description=u'', filename=u'', data_directory=None)

Initialize molecular metadata which defines class.

  • geometry – A list of tuples giving the coordinates of each atom. An example is [(‘H’, (0, 0, 0)), (‘H’, (0, 0, 0.7414))]. Distances in angstrom. Use atomic symbols to specify atoms. Only optional if loading from file.
  • basis – A string giving the basis set. An example is ‘cc-pvtz’. Only optional if loading from file.
  • charge – An integer giving the total molecular charge. Defaults to 0. Only optional if loading from file.
  • multiplicity – An integer giving the spin multiplicity. Only optional if loading from file.
  • description – A optional string giving a description. As an example, for dimers a likely description is the bond length (e.g. 0.7414).
  • filename – An optional string giving name of file. If filename is not provided, one is generated automatically.
  • data_directory – Optional data directory to change from default data directory specified in config file.
get_active_space_integrals(occupied_indices=None, active_indices=None)

Restricts a molecule at a spatial orbital level to an active space

This active space may be defined by a list of active indices and
doubly occupied indices. Note that one_body_integrals and two_body_integrals must be defined n an orthonormal basis set.
  • occupied_indices (list) – A list of spatial orbital indices indicating which orbitals should be considered doubly occupied.
  • active_indices (list) – A list of spatial orbital indices indicating which orbitals should be considered active.

Tuple with the following entries:

core_constant: Adjustment to constant shift in Hamiltonian from integrating out core orbitals

one_body_integrals_new: one-electron integrals over active space.

two_body_integrals_new: two-electron integrals over active space.

Return type:



Helper routine to re-open HDF5 file and pull out single property

Parameters:property_name (string) – Property name to load from self.filename
The data located at file[property_name] for the HDF5 file at
self.filename. Returns None if the key is not found in the file.

Method to return 1-electron and 2-electron integrals in MO basis.

An array of the one-electron integrals having
shape of (n_orbitals, n_orbitals).
two_body_integrals: An array of the two-electron integrals having
shape of (n_orbitals, n_orbitals, n_orbitals, n_orbitals).
Return type:one_body_integrals
Raises:MisissingCalculationError – If SCF calculation has not been performed.
get_molecular_hamiltonian(occupied_indices=None, active_indices=None)

Output arrays of the second quantized Hamiltonian coefficients.

  • rotation_matrix – A square numpy array or matrix having dimensions of n_orbitals by n_orbitals. Assumed real and invertible.
  • occupied_indices (list) – A list of spatial orbital indices indicating which orbitals should be considered doubly occupied.
  • active_indices (list) – A list of spatial orbital indices indicating which orbitals should be considered active.

An instance of the MolecularOperator class.

Return type:



Method to return 1-RDM and 2-RDMs from CISD or FCI.

Parameters:use_fci – Boolean indicating whether to use RDM from FCI calculation.
Returns:An instance of the MolecularRDM class.
Return type:rdm
Raises:MisissingCalculationError – If the CI calculation has not been performed.

Return number of alpha electrons.


Return number of beta electrons.


Initializes properties loaded on demand to None


Method to save the class under a systematic name.

class fermilib.utils.Node(value=None)

Graph node

These graph nodes may be used to store data or other attributes within the Graph structure.


Build a graph node initialized with generic value

fermilib.utils.commutator(operator_a, operator_b)

Compute the commutator of two QubitOperators or FermionOperators.

Parameters:operator_b (operator_a,) – Operators in commutator.

Compute the minimum number of qubits on which operator acts.

Parameters:operator – QubitOperator, InteractionOperator, FermionOperator, InteractionTensor, or InteractionRDM.
Returns:The minimum number of qubits on which operator acts.
Return type:n_qubits (int)
Raises:TypeError – Operator of invalid type.
fermilib.utils.dual_basis_error_bound(terms, indices=None, is_hopping_operator=None, jellium_only=False, verbose=False)

Numerically upper bound the error in the ground state energy for the second-order Trotter-Suzuki expansion.

  • terms – a list of single-term FermionOperators in the Hamiltonian to be simulated.
  • indices – a set of indices the terms act on in the same order as terms.
  • is_hopping_operator – a list of whether each term is a hopping operator.
  • jellium_only – Whether the terms are from the jellium Hamiltonian only, rather than the full dual basis Hamiltonian (i.e. whether c_i = c for all number operators i^ i, or whether they depend on i as is possible in the general case).
  • verbose – Whether to print percentage progress.

A float upper bound on norm of error in the ground state energy.


Follows Equation 9 of Poulin et al.’s work in “The Trotter Step Size Required for Accurate Quantum Simulation of Quantum Chemistry” to calculate the error operator.

fermilib.utils.dual_basis_error_operator(terms, indices=None, is_hopping_operator=None, jellium_only=False, verbose=False)

Determine the difference between the exact generator of unitary evolution and the approximate generator given by the second-order Trotter-Suzuki expansion.

  • terms – a list of FermionOperators in the Hamiltonian in the order in which they will be simulated.
  • indices – a set of indices the terms act on in the same order as terms.
  • is_hopping_operator – a list of whether each term is a hopping operator.
  • jellium_only – Whether the terms are from the jellium Hamiltonian only, rather than the full dual basis Hamiltonian (i.e. whether c_i = c for all number operators i^ i, or whether they depend on i as is possible in the general case).
  • verbose – Whether to print percentage progress.

The difference between the true and effective generators of time

evolution for a single Trotter step.

Notes: follows Equation 9 of Poulin et al.’s work in “The Trotter Step
Size Required for Accurate Quantum Simulation of Quantum Chemistry”.
fermilib.utils.dual_basis_external_potential(grid, geometry, spinless)

Return the external potential in the dual basis of arXiv:1706.00023.

  • grid (Grid) – The discretization to use.
  • geometry – A list of tuples giving the coordinates of each atom. example is [(‘H’, (0, 0, 0)), (‘H’, (0, 0, 0.7414))]. Distances in atomic units. Use atomic symbols to specify atoms.
  • spinless (bool) – Whether to use the spinless model or not.

The dual basis operator.

Return type:


fermilib.utils.dual_basis_jellium_model(grid, spinless=False, kinetic=True, potential=True, include_constant=False)

Return jellium Hamiltonian in the dual basis of arXiv:1706.00023

  • grid (Grid) – The discretization to use.
  • spinless (bool) – Whether to use the spinless model or not.
  • kinetic (bool) – Whether to include kinetic terms.
  • potential (bool) – Whether to include potential terms.
  • include_constant (bool) – Whether to include the Madelung constant.

operator (FermionOperator)

fermilib.utils.dual_basis_kinetic(grid, spinless=False)

Return the kinetic operator in the dual basis of arXiv:1706.00023.

  • grid (Grid) – The discretization to use.
  • spinless (bool) – Whether to use the spinless model or not.

operator (FermionOperator)

fermilib.utils.dual_basis_potential(grid, spinless=False)

Return the potential operator in the dual basis of arXiv:1706.00023

  • grid (Grid) – The discretization to use.
  • spinless (bool) – Whether to use the spinless model or not.

operator (FermionOperator)


Compute the eigenspectrum of an operator.

WARNING: This function has cubic runtime in dimension of
Hilbert space operator, which might be exponential.
Parameters:operator – QubitOperator, InteractionOperator, FermionOperator, InteractionTensor, or InteractionRDM.
Returns:dense numpy array of floats giving eigenspectrum.
Return type:eigenspectrum
fermilib.utils.error_bound(terms, tight=False)

Numerically upper bound the error in the ground state energy for the second order Trotter-Suzuki expansion.

  • terms – a list of single-term QubitOperators in the Hamiltonian to be simulated.
  • tight – whether to use the triangle inequality to give a loose upper bound on the error (default) or to calculate the norm of the error operator.

A float upper bound on norm of error in the ground state energy.

Notes: follows Poulin et al.’s work in “The Trotter Step Size

Required for Accurate Quantum Simulation of Quantum Chemistry”. In particular, Equation 16 is used for a loose upper bound, and the norm of Equation 9 is calculated for a tighter bound using the error operator from error_operator.

Possible extensions of this function would be to get the expectation value of the error operator with the Hartree-Fock state or CISD state, which can scalably bound the error in the ground state but much more accurately than the triangle inequality.

fermilib.utils.error_operator(terms, series_order=2)

Determine the difference between the exact generator of unitary evolution and the approximate generator given by Trotter-Suzuki to the given order.

  • terms – a list of QubitTerms in the Hamiltonian to be simulated.
  • series_order – the order at which to compute the BCH expansion. Only the second order formula is currently implemented (corresponding to Equation 9 of the paper).

The difference between the true and effective generators of time

evolution for a single Trotter step.

Notes: follows Equation 9 of Poulin et al.’s work in “The Trotter Step
Size Required for Accurate Quantum Simulation of Quantum Chemistry”.
fermilib.utils.expectation(sparse_operator, state)

Compute expectation value of operator with a state.

Parameters:state_vector – vector representing a pure state, or, a matrix representing a density matrix.
Returns:A real float giving expectation value.
Raises:ValueError – Input state has invalid format.
fermilib.utils.fermi_hubbard(x_dimension, y_dimension, tunneling, coulomb, chemical_potential=None, magnetic_field=None, periodic=True, spinless=False)

Return symbolic representation of a Fermi-Hubbard Hamiltonian.

  • x_dimension – An integer giving the number of sites in width.
  • y_dimension – An integer giving the number of sites in height.
  • tunneling – A float giving the tunneling amplitude.
  • coulomb – A float giving the attractive local interaction strength.
  • chemical_potential – An optional float giving the potential of each site. Default value is None.
  • magnetic_field – An optional float giving a magnetic field at each site. Default value is None.
  • periodic – If True, add periodic boundary conditions.
  • spinless – An optional Boolean. If False, each site has spin up orbitals and spin down orbitals. If True, return a spinless Fermi-Hubbard model.
  • verbose – An optional Boolean. If True, print all second quantized terms.

An instance of the FermionOperator class.

Return type:


fermilib.utils.fourier_transform(hamiltonian, grid, spinless)

Apply Fourier transform to change hamiltonian in plane wave basis.

\[c^\dagger_v = \sqrt{1/N} \sum_m {a^\dagger_m \exp(-i k_v r_m)} c_v = \sqrt{1/N} \sum_m {a_m \exp(i k_v r_m)}\]
  • hamiltonian (FermionOperator) – The hamiltonian in plane wave basis.
  • grid (Grid) – The discretization to use.
  • spinless (bool) – Whether to use the spinless model or not.

The fourier-transformed hamiltonian.

Return type:


fermilib.utils.get_file_path(file_name, data_directory)

Compute file_path for the file that stores operator.

  • file_name – The name of the saved file.
  • data_directory – Optional data directory to change from default data directory specified in config file.

File path.

Return type:

file_path (string)


OperatorUtilsError – File name is not provided.


Compute gap between lowest eigenvalue and first excited state.

Returns: A real float giving eigenvalue gap.


Compute lowest eigenvalue and eigenstate.

Returns:The lowest eigenvalue, a float. eigenstate: The lowest eigenstate in scipy.sparse csc format.
Return type:eigenvalue
fermilib.utils.inverse_fourier_transform(hamiltonian, grid, spinless)

Apply inverse Fourier transform to change hamiltonian in plane wave dual basis.

\[a^\dagger_v = \sqrt{1/N} \sum_m {c^\dagger_m \exp(i k_v r_m)} a_v = \sqrt{1/N} \sum_m {c_m \exp(-i k_v r_m)}\]
  • hamiltonian (FermionOperator) – The hamiltonian in plane wave dual basis.
  • grid (Grid) – The discretization to use.
  • spinless (bool) – Whether to use the spinless model or not.

The inverse-fourier-transformed hamiltonian.

Return type:



Test if matrix is Hermitian.


Check whether QubitOperator of FermionOperator is identity.

Parameters:operator – QubitOperator or FermionOperator.
Raises:TypeError – Operator of invalid type.
fermilib.utils.jellium_model(grid, spinless=False, plane_wave=True, include_constant=False)

Return jellium Hamiltonian as FermionOperator class.

  • grid (fermilib.utils.Grid) – The discretization to use.
  • spinless (bool) – Whether to use the spinless model or not.
  • plane_wave (bool) – Whether to return in momentum space (True) or position space (False).
  • include_constant (bool) – Whether to include the Madelung constant.

The Hamiltonian of the model.

Return type:


fermilib.utils.jordan_wigner_dual_basis_hamiltonian(grid, geometry=None, spinless=False, include_constant=False)

Return the dual basis Hamiltonian as QubitOperator.

  • grid (Grid) – The discretization to use.
  • geometry – A list of tuples giving the coordinates of each atom. example is [(‘H’, (0, 0, 0)), (‘H’, (0, 0, 0.7414))]. Distances in atomic units. Use atomic symbols to specify atoms.
  • spinless (bool) – Whether to use the spinless model or not.
  • include_constant (bool) – Whether to include the Madelung constant.

hamiltonian (QubitOperator)

fermilib.utils.jordan_wigner_dual_basis_jellium(grid, spinless=False, include_constant=False)

Return the jellium Hamiltonian as QubitOperator in the dual basis.

  • grid (Grid) – The discretization to use.
  • spinless (bool) – Whether to use the spinless model or not.
  • include_constant (bool) – Whether to include the Madelung constant.

hamiltonian (QubitOperator)

fermilib.utils.jordan_wigner_sparse(fermion_operator, n_qubits=None)

Initialize a SparseOperator from a FermionOperator.

  • fermion_operator (FermionOperator) – instance of the FermionOperator class.
  • n_qubits (int) – Number of qubits.

The corresponding SparseOperator.

fermilib.utils.jw_hartree_fock_state(n_electrons, n_orbitals)

Function to product Hartree-Fock state in JW representation.

fermilib.utils.load_operator(file_name=None, data_directory=None)

Load FermionOperator or QubitOperator from file.

  • file_name – The name of the saved file.
  • data_directory – Optional data directory to change from default data directory specified in config file.

The stored FermionOperator or QubitOperator

Return type:



TypeError – Operator of invalid type.

fermilib.utils.make_atom(atom_type, basis, filename='')

Prepare a molecular data instance for a single element.

  • atom_type – Float giving atomic symbol.
  • basis – The basis in which to perform the calculation.

An instance of the MolecularData class.

Return type:


fermilib.utils.make_atomic_lattice(nx_atoms, ny_atoms, nz_atoms, spacing, basis, atom_type='H', charge=0, filename='')

Function to create atomic lattice with n_atoms.

  • nx_atoms – Integer, the length of lattice (in number of atoms).
  • ny_atoms – Integer, the width of lattice (in number of atoms).
  • nz_atoms – Integer, the depth of lattice (in number of atoms).
  • spacing – The spacing between atoms in the lattice in Angstroms.
  • basis – The basis in which to perform the calculation.
  • atom_type – String, the atomic symbol of the element in the ring. this defaults to ‘H’ for Hydrogen.
  • charge – An integer giving the total molecular charge. Defaults to 0.
  • filename – An optional string to give a filename for the molecule.

A an instance of the MolecularData class.

Return type:



MolecularLatticeError – If lattice specification is invalid.

fermilib.utils.make_atomic_ring(n_atoms, spacing, basis, atom_type='H', charge=0, filename='')

Function to create atomic rings with n_atoms.

Note that basic geometry suggests that for spacing L between atoms the radius of the ring should be L / (2 * cos (pi / 2 - theta / 2))

  • n_atoms – Integer, the number of atoms in the ring.
  • spacing – The spacing between atoms in the ring in Angstroms.
  • basis – The basis in which to perform the calculation.
  • atom_type – String, the atomic symbol of the element in the ring. this defaults to ‘H’ for Hydrogen.
  • charge – An integer giving the total molecular charge. Defaults to 0.
  • filename – An optional string to give a filename for the molecule.

A an instance of the MolecularData class.

Return type:


fermilib.utils.plane_wave_external_potential(grid, geometry, spinless)

Return the external potential operator in plane wave basis.

  • grid (Grid) – The discretization to use.
  • geometry – A list of tuples giving the coordinates of each atom. example is [(‘H’, (0, 0, 0)), (‘H’, (0, 0, 0.7414))]. Distances in atomic units. Use atomic symbols to specify atoms.
  • spinless – Bool, whether to use the spinless model or not.

The plane wave operator.

Return type:


fermilib.utils.plane_wave_hamiltonian(grid, geometry=None, spinless=False, plane_wave=True, include_constant=False)

Returns Hamiltonian as FermionOperator class.

  • grid (Grid) – The discretization to use.
  • geometry – A list of tuples giving the coordinates of each atom. example is [(‘H’, (0, 0, 0)), (‘H’, (0, 0, 0.7414))]. Distances in atomic units. Use atomic symbols to specify atoms.
  • spinless (bool) – Whether to use the spinless model or not.
  • plane_wave (bool) – Whether to return in plane wave basis (True) or plane wave dual basis (False).
  • include_constant (bool) – Whether to include the Madelung constant.

The hamiltonian.

Return type:


fermilib.utils.plane_wave_kinetic(grid, spinless=False)

Return the kinetic energy operator in the plane wave basis.

  • grid (fermilib.utils.Grid) – The discretization to use.
  • spinless (bool) – Whether to use the spinless model or not.

The kinetic momentum operator.

Return type:


fermilib.utils.plane_wave_potential(grid, spinless=False)

Return the potential operator in the plane wave basis.

  • grid (Grid) – The discretization to use.
  • spinless (bool) – Whether to use the spinless model or not.

operator (FermionOperator)

fermilib.utils.qubit_operator_sparse(qubit_operator, n_qubits=None)

Initialize a SparseOperator from a QubitOperator.

  • qubit_operator (QubitOperator) – instance of the QubitOperator class.
  • n_qubits (int) – Number of qubits.

The corresponding SparseOperator.

fermilib.utils.save_operator(operator, file_name=None, data_directory=None)

Save FermionOperator or QubitOperator to file.

  • operator – An instance of FermionOperator or QubitOperator.
  • file_name – The name of the saved file.
  • data_directory – Optional data directory to change from default data directory specified in config file.
  • OperatorUtilsError – Not saved, file already exists.
  • TypeError – Operator of invalid type.

Perform a dense diagonalization.

Returns:The lowest eigenvalues in a numpy array.
Return type:eigenspectrum
fermilib.utils.uccsd_operator(single_amplitudes, double_amplitudes, anti_hermitian=True)

Create a fermionic operator that is the generator of uccsd.

This a the most straight-forward method to generate UCCSD operators, however it is slightly inefficient. In particular, it parameterizes all possible excitations, so it represents a generalized unitary coupled cluster ansatz, but also does not explicitly enforce the uniqueness in parametrization, so it is redundant. For example there will be a linear dependency in the ansatz of single_amplitudes[i,j] and single_amplitudes[j,i].

  • single_amplitudes (list or ndarray) – list of lists with each sublist storing a list of indices followed by single excitation amplitudes i.e. [[[i,j],t_ij], ...] OR [NxN] array storing single excitation amplitudes corresponding to t[i,j] * (a_i^dagger a_j - H.C.)
  • double_amplitudes (list or ndarray) – list of lists with each sublist storing a list of indices followed by double excitation amplitudes i.e. [[[i,j,k,l],t_ijkl], ...] OR [NxNxNxN] array storing double excitation amplitudes corresponding to t[i,j,k,l] * (a_i^dagger a_j a_k^dagger a_l - H.C.)
  • anti_hermitian (Bool) – Flag to generate only normal CCSD operator rather than unitary variant, primarily for testing

Anti-hermitian fermion operator that is the generator for the uccsd wavefunction.

Return type:


fermilib.utils.uccsd_singlet_evolution(packed_amplitudes, n_qubits, n_electrons, fermion_transform=<function jordan_wigner>)

Create a ProjectQ evolution operator for a UCCSD singlet circuit

  • packed_amplitudes (ndarray) – Compact array storing the unique single and double excitation amplitudes for a singlet UCCSD operator. The ordering lists unique single excitations before double excitations.
  • n_qubits (int) – Number of spin-orbitals used to represent the system, which also corresponds to number of qubits in a non-compact map.
  • n_electrons (int) – Number of electrons in the physical system
  • fermion_transform (fermilib.transform) – The transformation that defines the mapping from Fermions to QubitOperator.

The unitary operator

that constructs the UCCSD singlet state.

Return type:


fermilib.utils.uccsd_singlet_operator(packed_amplitudes, n_qubits, n_electrons)

Create a singlet UCCSD generator for a system with n_electrons

This function generates a FermionOperator for a UCCSD generator designed
to act on a single reference state consisting of n_qubits spin orbitals and n_electrons electrons, that is a spin singlet operator, meaning it conserves spin.
  • packed_amplitudes (ndarray) – Compact array storing the unique single and double excitation amplitudes for a singlet UCCSD operator. The ordering lists unique single excitations before double excitations.
  • n_qubits (int) – Number of spin-orbitals used to represent the system, which also corresponds to number of qubits in a non-compact map.
  • n_electrons (int) – Number of electrons in the physical system.

Generator of the UCCSD operator that

builds the UCCSD wavefunction.

Return type:


fermilib.utils.uccsd_singlet_paramsize(n_qubits, n_electrons)

Determine number of independent amplitudes for singlet UCCSD

  • n_qubits (int) – Number of qubits/spin-orbitals in the system
  • n_electrons (int) – Number of electrons in the reference state

Number of independent parameters for singlet UCCSD with a single reference.

fermilib.utils.uccsd_trotter_engine(compiler_backend=<projectq.backends._sim._simulator.Simulator object>, qubit_graph=None, opt_size=None)

Define a ProjectQ compiler engine that is common for use with UCCSD

This defines a ProjectQ compiler engine that decomposes time evolution gates using a first order Trotter decomposition on non-commuting gates down to a base gate decomposition.

  • compiler_backend (projectq.backend) – Define the backend on the circuit compiler, so that it may either simulate gates numerically or alternatively print a gate sequence, e.g. using projectq.backends.CommandPrinter()
  • qubit_graph (Graph) – Graph object specifying connectivity of qubits. The values of the nodes of this unique qubit ids. If None, all-to-all connectivity is assumed.
  • opt_size (int) – Number for ProjectQ local optimizer to determine size of blocks optimized over.

projectq.cengine that is the compiler engine set up with these

rules and decompostions.

fermilib.utils.wigner_seitz_length_scale(wigner_seitz_radius, n_particles, dimension)

Function to give length_scale associated with Wigner-Seitz radius.

  • wigner_seitz_radius (float) – The radius per particle in atomic units.
  • n_particles (int) – The number of particles in the simulation cell.
  • dimension (int) – The dimension of the system.

The length scale for the simulation.

Return type:

length_scale (float)


ValueError – System dimension must be a positive integer.